Winter is a good time to work on improving ones skills and this weekend - with all the ice- was a perfect one. The above amaryllis was definitely a work in progress. While working inside on cloudy days, lighting is always a concern and background is another. So after rearranging the dining room and creating the proper background- I started the process.
I previsualized what I wanted the image to look like but the right side of the plant was too dark. I decided to use a flash light to lighten it up but that also was a work in progress - as it needed just the right amount. After lots of trial and error, I finally had what I wanted but the work was just beginning.
Next in the computer after a little cleanup and a slight crop- on to OnOne software for some creative textures. This software has really given my creative juices the shot in the arm I needed. It has made the layering process easier than the photo shop work I was using before. After several attempts I ended up with the above image, which I hope you enjoy.
Have a great week and thanks for taking time to stop by.
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