I've been watching this wreath for a week or so and decided now was the prime time. This image was processed using Snap Art software , a few tweaks in photo shop and some final touches in OnOne software.
The above image was processed using JixiPix software along with some tweaks in photo shop. I've had some extra time to work on images and finally have Typepad accepting my images again. Found out that I had to change my browser to Firefix, they didn't like the one I had been using- geez.
As always-thanks for stopping by.
Beautifully done, Mike. It's often worth the wait just to ponder the options available.
Posted by: Daniel Ruf | November 03, 2013 at 07:20 PM
Isn't that the truth-this one received lots of input on face book.
Posted by: Mike Houge | November 04, 2013 at 02:55 PM