The image above is not the one I was hoping to show you this week. I went out this morning with a prop and had hoped to capture some of the local song birds sitting on the pine branch I had cut off one of our many pine trees. I had that perfect image in mind and was sure I'd come home with it. After all- how hard can it be-you see those perfect images all the time of the black-caped chickadee turning around and almost smiling at the photographer and saying look at me- here I am.
Well I didn't get that perfect image, in fact all the images I brought home- I deleted. Now some folks would be upset and have all kind of reasons to be mad or why it went wrong but you know-I really had fun. It was quiet and the birds actually put on quite a show for me. There were flickers ,goldfinches , chickadees , downy woodpeckers ,of course sparrows and a noisy squirrel.
I was reminded of a friend of mine that just recently purchased a new camera and is just having a ball taking shots of everything she can. Fern helped put things in perspective for me- we sometimes have to remember why many of us started capturing images to begin with "it's fun" to capture what we enjoy . So Fern- if you're reading this- keep having fun capturing those things you enjoy-your excitement has been addictive.
In regards to the above image- it's from Amnicon State Park in Wisconsin and the bridge in the background is a 100 year old bow bridge. The image was processed to look like an oil painting and had a border added.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great week.
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